Tuesday 21 February 2012

Hi all this is my very first post and I haven,t really got a clue what i,m doing but here goes anyway.
I want to dedicate this blog to all my crafty musings but I may hav a few rants along the way about other stuff. I hope to be able to learn as I go, and looking at all the craft blogs out there has given me loads of inspiration and i hope to be able to give some of that back by posting my attempts and tips I learn along the way.
 With a bit of luck I,ll get the hang of it soon as i,m a bit of a techyphob and need very simple instructions to get me going so anyone out there who can help me along the way please feel free to tell me how to do it by sharing a link etc, and there's one already how do you share a link?
 The picture above is one of a birdcage I altered with flowers and lace from Wild Orchid Crafts I will try and improve my picture taking aswell

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Great first post you could maybe do step by step tutorials?

    Let me know if you want me to come round to show you techno things with blog xx
